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aka Kimmaaay!
Most of my videos are for adults only. Please do not watch if your are under 18 years of age!
This website is for comedy & self amusement purposes only.


Naked Nuts On Me

The "electricdonkey" channel on YouTube was created by Kimmaaay in 2007.
​My work consists of a collection of mondegreens​​, (otherwise known as a "Buffalax"), prank calls & dumb cartoons.
YouTube has started to delete some of my videos due to copyright reasons/complaints, (even though I have provided this link ), so I have created accounts on other sites, such as Daily Motion, Vidme & Blogger. (My Vimeo account was banned & deleted by Vimeo without any warning.
This website will provide links to all my work. )
Ho! Ho! You Take Coffee!
Kimmaaay's Electricdonkey Infomercial
Vagina Dining, Birthday Goo ​
The Doctor Farted In Me
Kitchenette: Donkey Holiday (Babymetal)
We Love The Butt
No Butt Candy
Hold My Farts
Vomit On My Tits, Slutbag
You Wee'd On Your Son
Hickey Day
Thin Gay Bum
Give The Man Your Tampon
Go In The Donkey, Mole
Steklovata's Turtle Implosion
Chew, Taco Maggot
Moister Micey From The Lager Barn
Choke Vagina
Mohair, Ham, Headjobs & Freedom
Bent Teddy Beer
Cherry Goat Pie
Ear Wackin'
Donkey Donkey
Bony Jew Soup
Dogs Of The Moon
Hey, You Want My Goulash?
Puddy Cats & Pie
Madison's Silky Rim
Donkey Leper Man
Get Lumpy
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